



Beijing Tiantan Hospital Reservation Method and Procedure

We have a comprehensive non-emergency registration system and offer patients various appointment booking options, so you can choose any of them to make an appointment.

English users.

1. Doctor's workstation appointment: If you need to see the doctor again after your visit, remember to make an appointment with the doctor for your next visit date and time slot.

2. Discharge follow-up appointment: Please discuss with your doctor the appointment date when you are discharged from the hospital and keep the appointment slip.

3. On-site registration window appointment: Please go to the registration window at the Outpatient Service Center to make an appointment directly for the date and doctor of your selected visit.

Chinese users.

1. Appointment in Beijing Tiantan Hospital北京天坛医院 APP: You can download Beijing Tiantan Hospital APP and do "appointment registration," "report inquiry," and "fee inquiry" online through APP. and other related services.


2. Medical kiosks reservation: The outpatient hall and all floors are equipped with Medical kiosks. You can reserve appointments with doctors at all levels within a week on the Medical kiosks and pick up the registration number on the appointed day, which is convenient and fast.

3. Telephone reservation: If you are used to telephoning reservations, please call (010) 114. The hospital is directly connected with the 114 telephone reservation platform. 114 platform can see all the open slots of the hospital pool. Incredibly convenient for elderly patients to call the telephone reservation registration, the elderly patients can stay at home and reserve appointments in their customary way.

4. Network appointment: If you are familiar with the network, it will be faster to choose it. https://www.114yygh.com

5. Doctor's workstation appointment: If you need to see the doctor again after your visit, remember to make an appointment with the doctor for your next visit date and time slot.

6. Discharge follow-up appointment: Please discuss with your doctor the appointment date when you are discharged from the hospital and keep the appointment slip.

7. On-site registration window appointment: Please go to the appointment window at the Outpatient Service Center to make an appointment directly for the date and doctor of your selected visit.

8. Two-way community referral appointment: Our hospital reserves slots for each community in the medical association. The community doctor can refer you to our hospital through the referral platform.

All of the above appointment numbers can be picked up at the medical kiosk on the day of the visit, making it convenient and reducing queues.


1. The appointment registration system uses real names. Therefore, please provide valid identity documents when you make an appointment and visit the doctor.

2. Keep the appointment commitment. The appointment will be automatically canceled if you do not show up after 30 minutes of your appointment on the day of the visit. If you cancel your appointment, you can cancel it online through the appointment method one day before your visit. Three unexplained missed appointments will restrict registration on file.

3. The hospital's various reservation methods share a pool of numbers available on a first-come, first-served basis.

4. Beijing medical insurance patients who come to Beijing Tiantan Hospital for the first time need to go to the card center window to associate their social security cards and connect their accounts.

5. Patients from outside Beijing can first create a temporary digital card for registration and exchange it for a physical card at the card center window on the appointment day and then pick up the registration number at the self-service machine.

6. Beijing Tiantan Hospital has launched the service model of 16 famous expert teams and, at the same time, established more than 130 special outpatient clinics to facilitate patients to "seek medical treatment by disease" and register precisely. Patients can register with famous expert teams through the above registration methods, and individual experts will no longer be registered externally.

Hospital service hotline 010-59978585.
