
Education Profile

Education Profile


The hospital has 12 doctoral training centers: Obstetrics and Gynecology, Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics, Anesthesiology, Internal Medicine (Gastroenterology), Internal Medicine (Cardiovascular Disease), Neurology, Surgery (Orthopedics), Surgery (General Surgery), Surgery (Theology), Critical Care Medicine, Imaging and Nuclear Medicine, and Oncology. The hospital has 25 master's degree programs: Obstetrics and Gynecology, Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics, Anesthesiology, Internal Medicine (Respiratory Disease), Internal Medicine (Endocrinology and Metabolic Disease), Internal Medicine (Digestive Diseases), Internal Medicine (Cardiovascular Disease), Internal Medicine (Renal Disease), General Practice Medicine, Neurology, Surgery (Orthopaedic Surgery), Surgery (Urologic Surgery), Surgery (General Practice), Surgery (Surgical Surgery), Critical Care Medicine, Imaging and Nuclear Medicine, Oncology, Pediatrics, Emergency Medicine, Rehabilitation Medicine and Physiotherapy Medicine, Rehabilitation Medicine and Physiotherapy, Clinical Pharmacy, Internal Medicine (Hematology), Internal Medicine (Rheumatology), Biomedical Engineering, Integrative Medicine. The hospital has 220 postgraduate supervisors on duty, including 111 doctoral supervisors and 109 master's supervisors. The hospital has 1,117 appointed teachers at all levels responsible for teaching undergraduates and postgraduates, including 111 professors and 109 associate professors at Capital Medical University. More than 73.4% of the teaching staff have postgraduate education or above.

The hospital has 13 national and 15 Beijing residency training bases. The hospital is the first batch of training centers for neurosurgery, general surgery, and critical care medicine specialists in the pilot work of access to specialists and is actively exploring the mode of training specialists in neurosurgery, general surgery, and critical care medicine. Thirty-three young and middle-aged trainees have become neurosurgeons, general surgeons, and critical care medicine specialists accredited by the Training College of the Chinese Physicians' Association after rigorous selection and examination. The hospital is the cradle for the training of neurosurgery and neurology trainees nationwide, and constantly explores the training mode of neurosurgery and neurology trainees. The hospital has trained more than 1,800 high-level neurosurgery and neurology specialists across the country, which effectively improves the standardization of the diagnosis and treatment of neurosurgery and neurology diseases.
