
Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Yongping Fan



Fan Yongping, male, was born in 1965, chief physician, professor, M.D, doctoral supervisor. He is the director of traditional Chinese medicine department of Beijing Tiantan Hospital, the second group TCM clinical talent of Beijing administration of TCM, academic leader in combination traditional Chinese and western medicine clinic of high level health technical talent in Beijing health system, TCM 125 talent of Beijing. He studied from national famous TCM master Nie Huimin, Liu Duzhou, Wang Mianzhi, Zhang Binghou, Xue Boshou.

Social Appointments: Director of China Association of Chinese Medicine; Member of Standing Committee of neurology committee of China Association of Chinese Medicine; Member of Standing Committee of internal medicine committee of China Association of Chinese Medicine; Member of Standing Committee of TCM internal medicine Committee and collateral disease Committee of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies; Chairman of committee of neurology committee of Beijing Chinese Medicine Societies; Chairman of health maintenance committee of China Council for the Promotion of Health Care International Exchange; Combine traditional Chinese and western medicine group leader of The National Clinical Researching Center of Neurological Disease; Vice chairman of the department of combining traditional Chinese and western medicine of The Capital Medical University; Vice director of Beijing combination traditional Chinese and western medicine of neurology institute; The assessor of Natural Science Foundation of China; Editorial board member of Beijing Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinese Traditional Patent Medicine, Global Chinese Medicine, Journal of Clinical Medicine in Practice, Austin Journal of Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmunology.

Main Research Contents: Traditional Chinese medicine treatment and research of nervous system disease; specialize in traditional Chinese medicine treatment of multiple sclerosis, neuromyelitis optica, cerebrovascular disease, intracranial tumors, postoperative complications of craniocerebral operation, other intractable diseases in nervous system.

Scientific Research: Charged 4 projects of Natural Science Foundation of China, 3 projects of Natural Science Foundation of Beijing; Participated in projects of 973, 863 and Natural Science Foundation of China; Academic papers published more than 160 articles, published 8 works; Got Beijing Science and Technology Award and China Chinese Medicine Institute of Science and Technology Award.
